Did you know induction motors that are single phased are not self-rotating due to the lack of
synchronously rotating magnetic field? At this point of time, the MPP Capacitors for Motor Run come
in to the role. The core function of these capacitors is to generate an effective rotary field in single
phase motors with two or three stator windings to allow them to be operated on a single phase
supply. MPP Capacitors for Motor Run remain in circuit during the entire operating period of the
motor and hence, they are an ideal capacitor for single phase motors, which are likely to be in
pumps, fans, air conditioners, washing machines, domestic appliances, agricultural machinery,
refrigeration systems etc.
By employing the auxiliary winding for power output a better utilization of the single phase motor is
obtained, which is approximately 90 % of the output of the similar rating three phase motor.
Lumenx MPP capacitors for motor run are robustly built as compared to general purpose capacitors
available in market as well as they are specifically designed for heavy duty usage. They are well-built
built and durable for motors where Voltage across terminals goes beyond 275 Volts to 380 Volts.
Lumenx MPP capacitors for motor run are mainly used in heavy applications including Compressors,
Refrigeration Equipments and Air-conditioners.